Saturday, September 23, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006 Fundy National Park & Alma, NB

We awoke on Friday morning, expecting a view of the ocean right outside our room, only to discover that Alma apparently has the notariety of having the highest tides in the world - 56ft. When the tide is out, it's 2/3 mile from the shore, leaving the view from the hotel a muddy expanse of nothing. The scallop boats sit in the sand at the dock until the water returns (supposedly twice a day), but we never saw the water actually reach the shore.

In an attempt to make up for too much time spent in the car during the last few days, we spent the entire day on several hikes in Fundy National Park. Visited a covered bridge and several falls. We were thrilled to see that by the end of the day we had hiked about 9 km, but saddened to discover, upon conversion, that that was only about 5.5 miles. Especially, as our legs felt as though we had gone much further . . . damn it, there were some hills involved!

No moose sighting yet.

Dinner at the Parkland Village Inn where the Casey's are the innkeepers and their son is the restaurant chef. I had local scallops and Brett had atlantic Salmon (not farmed??). The fish was fresh and nicely done, but even Brett remarked that all the food was the same washed out color, institutionalized, like eating at a church social or a hospital. The homemade breadpudding was great, even though it too was beige.

Yeah, we finally finished the end of Season 5 of the Sopranos (brought along our Netflix for the road). I can't believe they killed Adriana.

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